7 Tips On Beating The Winter Slump (2025)

Winter’s a great season! But how do we keep it that way after the newness of the first snow wears off and it’s still snowing? Or when the excitement of being back on the ice again dims and you find yourself shivering and turning up the thermostat because the temps are dropping, again.

Winter tends to make people feel depressed and long for a breath of summer air! However, winter’s not all bad! And just to prove it we’ve come up with an exciting list of activities and ideas to pass the long winter days, for the whole family!!!

7 Tips On Beating The Winter Slump (1)

1.Enjoy God’s Creation

~Take a Walk~

Sometimes what you really need is a breath of fresh air. Take the time to bundle up and go make tracks in the snow! Try prayer walking, listening to the silence of the world, and taking pictures of the beautiful scenery as you refresh yourself in the peacefulness of God’s marvelous handiwork!

7 Tips On Beating The Winter Slump (2)

7 Tips On Beating The Winter Slump (3)

~Feed Your Feathered Friends~

Watching birds can entertain your family for hours. Sunflower seeds and suet cakes are great feeding options, or get everyone involved and make your own feeders and treats!

7 Tips On Beating The Winter Slump (4)


Materials needed:

  • 1 package unflavored gelatin
  • 1/2 cup warm water
  • 3 tablespoons light corn syrup
  • 3/4 cup all-purpose flour
  • 4 cups bird seed
  • Bundt pan
  • Nonstick cooking spray
  • Step 1: Mix Up Edible GlueStir the gelatin into the warm water until dissolved.Whisk in corn syrup and flour. This will become a gooey paste.

    Step 2: Stir in BirdseedIn a large bowl, mix seeds (I used a Pennington Birder's Blend) and dried cranberries to fill four cups of mix. Using a spatula to stir, fold in until all of the seeds and fruit are coated with the edible glue. Make sure the seed is well mixed with the edible glue to keep the wreath from falling apart.

    Step 3: Mold Wreath Spray the Bundt pan with nonstick cooking spray. Using the spatula, press the seed mixture into the pan. Press firmly until the mixture is well packed and even. Set the pan aside overnight. The mixture will harden and turn white, and the surface will be firm and dry when ready. Test readiness by gently pressing on the surface. It should be hard. If not, allow more time to set.

    2. Blessing Others

    ~Little Blessings~

    Taking the time for blessing someone can take so little effort yet why do we so often struggle to do it? Shopping today? Keep a smile on your face and return the clerks greeting cheerily.

    Pick up fresh flower’s at your local florist or Walmart; gift them or use them for your table center piece and spread flowery cheer to the whole family.

    Is it baking day at your house? Double your recipe and make a few extra loaves of bread. Freeze the extra for the times when you need a quick and easy gift. A loaf of bread with maple or cinnamon butter works great for housewarming gifts or welcoming a new neighbor.

    7 Tips On Beating The Winter Slump (5)

    Brighten the day for a family member or friend going through a stressful time. Drop in and surprise them with tea/coffee & cookies and stay for a quick catch-up chat over a cuppa the brew!

    Help a busy mom with her cleaning or offer to babysit while she gets some much-needed things done.

    Send snacks and notes of appreciation along to school for those wonderful ladies who dedicate so much time to your children!

    Cards sets are a great way to brighten the days of friends, family, and strangers. ABC thinking of you sets and 7 day cards are great options for sending cheer, encouragement, or comfort.

    Make a schedule and get family members to do/send something to your parents/grandparents once a week.

    ~Be a Hostess~

    7 Tips On Beating The Winter Slump (6)

    Most ladies love a chance to get out and enjoy good food they didn’t have to prep! Host an indoor garden party and indulge in all those foodie items you don’t usually make! A fun twist to this would be turning it into a birthday party for church friends.

    7 Tips On Beating The Winter Slump (7)

    Make a meal for someone in need. If it’s someone that is having scheduled meals brought in, check in with them first to see what they really need. (Maybe more meats and less sweets, fruits instead of veggies etc.)

    Be random: bake cinnamon rolls and invite people to stop by for some or deliver them to friends.

    3. Fun Times for Your Preschooler

    ~Snow Much Fun~

    Get them outside and playing in the snow! Build snow sculptures and snowmen. A fun dimension is coloring the creations they build! Add a few drops of food coloring to water and apply with a spray bottle.

    7 Tips On Beating The Winter Slump (8)

    You can bring winter inside for them! Fill a tub with snow and let them scoop, dump, drive cars and build things all the while inside, no coats or hats needed!

    Paper and painter’s tape can be used very creatively to make endless roads and tunnels on the floor. A tub of rice or similar substance is great fun to drive cars through, dig in, and simply watch trickle out of their fingers.

    7 Tips On Beating The Winter Slump (9)

    ~Activities at the table~

    Foam art and sticker by number books are great boredom busters to keep on hand. Make cards and send them to Grandma/friends/or those in hard times.Perler bead designs are so fun and can occupy for hours!

    7 Tips On Beating The Winter Slump (10)

    7 Tips On Beating The Winter Slump (11)

    Don’t over think creativity! Preschool books and easy crafts are ready-made ways to inspire your child! A finished craft or colored picture can be given to a family member, sent to Grandma, or hung on the fridge.

    7 Tips On Beating The Winter Slump (12)

    ~Fun Family Times~

    Create memorable moments with your little people! Make bath bombs and then let them take a ‘glow’ bath. Fill the bathtub with warm water, add a bath bomb, throw in some glow sticks, turn out the lights and let the glowtastic experience begin!!


    1c. Citrus Acid 1/2c.Olive Oil

    1c. Baking Soda A few drops essential oil of your choice.

    1/2c. Cornstarch Food Coloring

    Mix together, pack into molds, and enjoy!

    7 Tips On Beating The Winter Slump (13)

    Mommy an me tea parties make treasured memories!


    4c. Water 1/4tsp. Cardamon

    1 Black Teabag 1/3c. Sugar

    2 Cinnamon Sticks

    Mix all ingredients and boil for 2 minutes.

    Some friendly competitions can spice up the long winter evenings. A puzzle race is a great competition! Each family member gets a simple puzzle, whoever completes their puzzle first is the puzzle champion! Switch up the puzzles and start a new round...

    7 Tips On Beating The Winter Slump (14)

    Challenge your memory skills with a special twist! Design your own memory game (Shutterfly is a good option) with fun pictures from over the years and relive special moments as you play!

    Go hunting for treasure! An older sibling can make a simple treasure hunt for the younger ones. Have them draw pictures of where to go next, and hide them all over the house. They’ll love it, especially if there’s a small treat for them at the end!

    ~Sewing & Assembling~

    CAM projects are profitable for all ages! They can be used as busywork for your preschooler too!

    Teach your 5 yr. old how to sew comfort patches. Cotton or a similar fabric is easiest for them to work with. They can sew 2 patches together and an older sibling, mom or grandma can sew them into a comfort top.

    Another simple craft is making baby beanies. All you need is a round loom and some yarn...

    7 Tips On Beating The Winter Slump (15)

    Introduceembroidery to your preschoolers. A simplecoloring book picture traced on to a fabric square with dashed lines for each stitch makes it easy for a beginner to learn the art. The finished squares can be sewn into comfort tops or pillows.

    7 Tips On Beating The Winter Slump (16)

    ~Ways to be Helpful~

    In reality life isn’t all fun and games. There are many ways a preschool age child can be very helpful!

    7 Tips On Beating The Winter Slump (17)

    • Have them run errands (go get canned fruit/potatoes etc.)
    • Empty washer into dryer and start dryer
    • Gather dirty laundry and put clean laundry in its respective bedrooms
    • Sweep the floor
    • Take out the slop
    • Feed chickens/dog
    • Set and clear the table
    • Load the dishwasher/wash the dishes
    • Entertain the baby
    • Help with food prep: shred cheese, cut up veggies with food scissors, put cupcake liners in pan, microwave the butter etc.

    The options are endless for the little chores they can do. Don’t let this list limit your own imagination in coming up with more!

    ~Boredom Buster Tips~

    7 Tips On Beating The Winter Slump (18)

    You can hold your preschoolers boredom at bay with a simple toy rotation plan. Put toys away over the holidays, leaving only their current favorites out. Throughout the winter months slowly bring them back out as the need arises.

    Set up a table next to the sewing machine to supervise their play while you sew!When the fights are endless have them practice for school by sitting quietly on a chair for awhile!

    Don’t overwork Mom! Keep special activities/crafts to 2-3 times a week.

    4.Pursue your Crafty Side

    ~Seamstress Dreams~

    When the lazy flakes begin to fall from leaden gray skys seamstresses everywhere can no longer curb their longing to sew! But... what if they already have a well stocked wardrobe? Not a problem there’s lots more ways to pursue their sewing hobby!

    7 Tips On Beating The Winter Slump (19)

    Get creative with your sewing! Challenge your skills with new patterns and styles. Sew coordinating outfits for your family or someone else's. Baby gifts can be simple handmade outfits/swaddles. Add distinctive touches with embroidery, button closures, or lace accents.

    Gift matching nighties to nieces/cousins, and host a pj party to try them out!

    7 Tips On Beating The Winter Slump (20)

    Spend your time in a worthwhile way! CAM sewing options are endless! Fabric scraps can be used to make comfort tops, dresses, and baby swaddle & beanie sets. Repurpose boxfuls of immodest shirts & skirts into t-shirt dresses for little girls.

    7 Tips On Beating The Winter Slump (21)

    ~Crafts to Try~

    Winter is the perfect time to catch up on scrapbooking. Indulge in a few supplies like paper, scrapbooks, and fun accents, then sit down and let your creative juices flow. You’ll be surprised how fast your stack of pictures goes down!

    Homemade cards have a unique touch that no store-bought card can master! Make a large stack when the mood strikes and build a supply that lasts all year.

    7 Tips On Beating The Winter Slump (22)

    Explore new hobbies: watercolor painting, crocheting, mastering piano, creative writing, or one of the many fine arts now trending in the world today...

    7 Tips On Beating The Winter Slump (23)

    ~Housekeeper Hobbies~

    Try a minimalist approach to the clutter in the corner that’s built up through - out the years. Ask yourself: ‘did I use this in the past year? do i have more than one? do I need more than one?’ Trash or repurpose items that you no longer wish to keep!

    Give a face-lift to original furniture pieces. (Sanding and painting may not be everyone's idea of a hobby but for some it’s therapy!)

    7 Tips On Beating The Winter Slump (24)

    Create new cozy spaces in your home with simple changes. Add house plants to freshen your style. Rearrange decor or go for a thrifted style vibe.

    7 Tips On Beating The Winter Slump (25)

    7 Tips On Beating The Winter Slump (26)

    5.Quiet Time

    ~Reading & Devotions~

    Having quiet times in our day can be so rejuvenating! Spending time in God’s word, journaling, or reading are quality ways to energize our lives.

    7 Tips On Beating The Winter Slump (27)

    Fill up the empty corners of your life with beautiful items that bring you joy!

    -Do abible study - read agood book - hang your child’s painting on the fridge - placenotes with verses & quotes at strategic places -

    6.Cozy Eats & Treats

    ~Hot Drinks~

    A bitter wind is blowing wrapping is frigid gusts around the corners of humanity. Icy fingers creep in through crevices and cracks sending shivers up spines; causing all to wish for a comforting cuppa something hot!

    Psst, espresso lover! Start your morning right with a special brew! Find recipes and tips inJoyful Brews cookbook (Beth’s go-to for coffee drinks & syrups) to satisfy early morning cravings.Winter is a great time to practice your barista skills! Latte art is easy to learn and always fun to practice!

    7 Tips On Beating The Winter Slump (28)

    Affogato’s are a fun drink to make : Brew a shot of Espresso and add Ice-cream to your liking.

    7 Tips On Beating The Winter Slump (29)


    PREP: 5 MIN. cook: 5 MIN. SERVES: 1

    1/2 cup milk 2 drops Peppermint oil

    1 tablespoon white chocolate chips 2 ounces espresso

    1/2 tablespoon honey

    Add chocolate chipsto bottom of a mug. Heat 2 tablespoons milk until edges start to bubble;pour over chips and stir until melted. Then add honey and peppermint oil.Froth remaining milk; pour frothed milk over chips/honey mixture and top with espresso. Topwith crushed candy canes.

    Cozy up to winter evenings! Start a fire in the fireplace, grab a fuzzy blanket, and make traditional hot chocolate for a classic winter vibe!


    3/4 c. Nesquik 1/4 c. instant coffee

    1 tsp. cinnamon 1 c. marshmallows

    1/2 C. creamer dash of of nutmeg

    1/3 c. sugar

    Layer ingredients in an icing bag. Tie bag shut. Or to make 'ice cream cone' mix all ingredients, except marshmallows, together and fill bag. Top with marshmallows as 'ice cream'.

    To use: Mix all ingredients together. Use 2 heaping teaspoons of mix for 1 mug of hot milk.

    Feeling adventurous? Try something new and make homemade marshmallows for your winter evening drink topper! (It’s not as hard as it sounds!)


    1 c. water, divided 11/2 tsp. pure vanilla extract

    2 packages gelatin or 472 teaspoons loose gelatin powder 1/8 tsp. salt

    2 c. sugar icing sugar to dust the pan

    icing sugar, *toasted coconut (about 1 3/4 cup), or **finely chopped toasted pecans (about 1 1/2 cups) to roll the marshmallows in.

    Sprinkle the gelatin on top of 1/2 cup of the cold water in a small bowl or measuring cup. Stir lightly with a fork. Let it 'bloom' for at least 5 minutes, until it is all moistened and softened. It will be very thick. Meanwhile, heat the sugar and the remaining 1/2 cup of water in a medium-sized saucepan until the sugar is dissolved. Add the dissolved gelatin to the sugar syrup. Using a spatula to get every bit of gelatin out of the bowl. Bring the mixture to a full rolling boil. (lt will get foamy and you can't stir down the bubbles.) Remove the saucepan from the heat. Let sit until lukewarm (about 20 to25 minutes). Pour the syrup into the bowl of a mixer. Add the vanilla and salt. Beat with a stand mixer (using the whisk attachment) on high speed until thick and tripled in volume about 7 to 8 minutes, or with a rotary hand mixer, which will take a bit longer maybe 10 minutes. While it is beating, prepare 9x 13" pan, by lightly greasing it and dusting it with icing sugar. Tip the pan over and knock out any excess icing sugar. When the marshmallow mixture has finished whipping, scrape it into the prepared pan, and use a wet spatula to smooth the top. Allow to set until cold, about 4 hours (or less if placed in the fridge) or up toovernight.Cut into squares with a knife dipped in water between each cut. If the top of the marshmallow mixture has dried out too much to stick well to the coconut, wet your fingers and smooth a thin slick of water over the top to moisten it again.Roll the marshmallow cubes in either the icing sugar, toasted coconut, orchopped nuts. Shake off excess if using icing sugar. Press down firmly into the coconut or nuts if using them, so they stick to the marshmallowsPlace on a rack and allow to air dry for 3 to 4 hours then store in an airtightcontainer at cool room temperature for up to 2 weeks.Makes about 70 homemade marshmallows.

    *If using coconut to roll the marshmallows in, toast it first by heating it in a skilletover medium heat. Stir constantly once it starts to brown, since it can burn easily. Toast to the depth of brown you'd like it.

    **To toast pecans, place them on a cookie sheet in a 350°F oven for 10 minutes, until they are fragrant and golden. Chop very finely so they stick to the marshmallows.

    7 Tips On Beating The Winter Slump (30)


    4 cups milk 1 tsp vanilla

    1 cup white chocolate chips 1 tsp cinnamon

    1 tbsp brown sugar

    Heat milk over medium low heat. Add chocolate chips and brown sugar and whisk until melted. Whisk in vanilla and cinnamon. Pour into mugs and top with whipped cream and caramel drizzle if desired.

    ~Snacky Snacks~

    What’s more satisfying than a crunchy, salty savory snack? Or a cinnamon roll sampler tray? Or hot soup on a cold winter day?

    Take a day to hone your cooking talents and make yummy treats for your family or bless a friend's home with a delicious tray of food!


    1lb ground beef, browned 1/2 tsp pepper

    2-3 cloves garlic 24 oz spaghetti sauce

    1 1/2 tsp. sugar 8-10 cups chicken broth

    1 tbsp basil 14 oz tomato chunks

    1 tbsp parsley 1 whole bay leaf

    1 tbsp oregano 10 uncooked lasagna noodles, broken into small pieces( or use bow tie

    1 tbsp salt pasta)

    Brown beef. Add rest of ingredients, except pasta. Bring to a boil. Add pasta. Simmer 25-30mins. Before serving add 1/2 cup heavy cream, optional. Serve w/ mozzarella cheese, sour cream, and cottage cheese. Delicious!

    Heat up that grill and make some fancy food!

    7 Tips On Beating The Winter Slump (31)


    -Make mini ham n cheese sandwiches


    1/2 cup butter- melted 2 tbsp sour cream n onion powder

    3 tbsp olive oil 2 tbsp parsley

    3 tbsp parmesan cheese

    Mix together and pour over sandwiches. Bake at 350* until sandwiches are hot, approximately 20 min.

    7 Tips On Beating The Winter Slump (32)


    2 pkg. Yeast 3 C. Water

    2 tsp. Sugar 9 C. Occident Flour

    1/2 C. Water 1/2 C. Butter

    1/2 C. Sugar 2 C. Brown Sugar

    1/2 C. 0il 1 Tb. Brown Sugar

    1 Tb. Salt

    Soak yeast and two teaspoons of sugar in half a cup of water; set aside. Mix half a cup sugar, oil, salt, 3 cups water, and flour. Add yeast. Let set forty five minutes. Knead; let set 1 hour. Spread with butter, brown sugar and cinnamon. Roll up and slice in 1" pieces, Place in greased pans. Bake a 350 for 20 minutes, Do not overbake


    4 1/2 C. 10x Sugar 1/4 C. Milk

    6 Tb. Melted Butter 1 1/2 tsp. Vanilla

    1/4 C. Milk

    1 1/2 tsp. Vanilla

    Beat Together and Spread on Warm Buns

    Enliven your taste buds with new flavors! Try Maple Bacon, Salted Caramel, Raspberry Rolls etc.


    3 c. flour 2 c. water

    2 C. sugar 1/2 c. mini chocolate chips

    1 tsp. salt frosting

    2 tsp. baking soda mini marshmallows

    7 Tbsp cocoa mini chocolate chips

    1 C. oil crushed peppermints

    2 Tbsp. vinegar mini candy canes

    1 Tbsp. vanilla

    Mix together except chocolate chips. Divide chocolate chips between cupcakes Bake at 350 for 20 minutes. Cool. Pipe or mound frosting on top of cupcakes. Garnish with mini marshmallows, mini chocolate chips and crushed peppermints. Add a mini candy cane tucked into side of cupcake for a handle to the mug.

    7 Tips On Beating The Winter Slump (33)



    1/2 c. water 1/4 c. chips

    1/4c. butter 1 c. heavy whipping cream

    1/8 tsp. salt 1 c. milk

    1/2 c. flour 2/3 c. instant vanilla pudding

    2 large eggs 1 (16 oz.) cool whip fresh fruit of your choice

    3 T. heavy whipping cream



    Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Generously butter a 9 inch pie dish, set aside. In a medium saucepan over medium-high heat, bring water, butter and salt to a boil. Once mixture reaches a boil, reduce heat to low and stir in flour, Cook, stirring constantly, until mixture comes together forming a ball and pulls away from the sides of the pan. Remove from heat and while stirring. add in eggs one at a time mixing until well combined. Using buttered hands, spread mixture into an even layer over the bottom and halfway up the sides of the pie dish. Bake for 25-30 minutes until golden brown. Cool pie shell completely. Meanwhile (you can do this while the pie shell bakes), prepare chocolate sauce by combining chocolate chips and 3 T. heavy whipping cream in 2 microwave safe bowl. Microwave chocolate mixture until melted and smooth


    In a large mixing bowl, whisk together 1 cup heavy whipping cream, milk and pudding mix, for about 3 minutes until mixture has thickened Spread pastry cream into an even layer over cooled Puff Pastry Pie shell (note that it's pretty much inevitable that you're going to have some bubbles in the pieshell, you can try and flatten them a bit before spreading in the filling). Spread cool whip evenly over top. Generously sprinkle with mixed fruit of your choice. Drizzle with chocolate sauce, Serve immediately: NOTE: This pie is best the day it's served.

    CHOCOLATE CAKE (with white chocolate drizzle)

    2 cups white sugar 2 large eggs

    1 3/4 cups all-purpose flour 1 cup milk

    3/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder 1/2 cup vegetable oil

    1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder 2 teaspoons vanilla extract

    1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda 1 cup boiling water

    1 teaspoon salt

    Mix all ingredients and pour into greased pan. Bake at 350 for 25-30 minutes Heat 1/3 cup of heavy whipping cream and add 2 cups of white chocolate chips. Cool and pipe over cake.

    7 Tips On Beating The Winter Slump (34)


    Peaches Pinch of salt

    Jello (peach, apricot or orange) 2 c. water

    3/4 c. Sugar 3/4 c. Clear Jel

    Drain peaches and save juice. Blend peaches in blender; set aside. Add water to saved peach juice to make 7 cups. Bring to a boil. Add sugar, Jello and salt until dissolved. Mix 2 cups water and Clear Jel; add to hot mixture. Cook 1 minute. Remove from heat and add peaches. Chill.



    8 oz corn chips 8 oz bbq corn chips

    7.2 oz goldfish 1 box rice or corn Chex

    Pecans or cashews

    Bring to boil:

    1 cup butter 1/2 cup brown sugar

    1 tbsp garlic powder 1 tbsp chili powder

    Then add 1/2 tsp baking soda. Pour over snacks and mix. Bake 350° 10-15 minutes stirring 1 time.

    7 Tips On Beating The Winter Slump (35)

    • Experiment with sourdough baking!
    • Make fun charcuterie boards for snacks7 Tips On Beating The Winter Slump (36)
    • Dry homemade pretzels!
    • Season your home with stove top Potpourri...

    7 Tips On Beating The Winter Slump (37)

    ~Little Chefs~

    It’s so exciting when for the littles when they make something ‘all by myself!’


    Stick pretzels, topped w/ white melting wafers. Bake/broil until soft. Then top with a yellow M&M.


    Core an apple and slice. Spread with peanut butter, stud with chic chips for sprinkles, drizzle with caramel syrup. Enjoy!

    7 Tips On Beating The Winter Slump (38)

    7. Beating the Sniffles &Tummy Aches

    ~Flu Season Hacks~

    It’s always the worst timing when your little one says... “mom my stomach hurts!”

    Or... constant runny noses cause the empty tissue boxes to pile up and the vicks rub is a permanent windowsill fixture...

    Yup, it’s winter and the flu season’s in full swing! Here’s a few tips and tricks from other moms to help send those ugly bugs packing!


    • Vitamin C (give small amounts regularly and as soon as your hear a sniffle load them up with it! A good brand with a tolerable taste is Pure Synergy or Sufficient C.) Oranges, & red, orange, and yellow peppers, are also great sources for vitamin C.
    • Respaid Tincture (by Meadow View Herbs)
    • Tasty Echinacea (by Natures Hope Herbals)
    • Give Chewable Probiotics once a day. (helps keep the immune system strong)


    • Warman onion in the microwave (be sure it’s not to hot!) stick in ear and hold in place with cap or scarf.
    • Put something warm in the ear. (vinegar, hydrogen peroxide or silver)Have child lay on side and use medicine dropper to apply to ear. Keep laying for about a minute, then sit up and let it drain.
    • For best results keep ears covered afterwards.When fighting an earache keep ears and feet warm and covered at all times!!!


    3/4 c. dried or frozen elderberries 1 tsp. dried cloves or 1 drop clove essential oil

    3 c. water 1 tsp. fresh ginger or 1 drop ginger essential oil

    1 tsp. cinnamon 1 c. raw honey

    In large pot, bring the elderberries, water, cinnamon, cloves, and ginger to boil. Reduce heat, cover, and simmer untill the liquid has reduced by half, about 40-45 minutes. Allow the liquid to cool, and then drain the liquid using a fine mesh strainer or cheese cloth. Press all liquid out of the berries using the back of a wooden spoon. Add the honey and mix well. Store in and air tight container in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.

    Go-to immune booster to keep everyone healthy all winter long!

    In conclusion we want to thank each of the individuals who took the time to send us ideas, recipes, and pictures of their winter activities! It was so fun hearing from you all! We hope you experienced the same joy reading this blog that we did while compiling it!

    May each one be blessed with a Healthy, Happy, Winter with just enough adventure to keep the boredom away!

    7 Tips On Beating The Winter Slump (39)

    7 Tips On Beating The Winter Slump (2025)


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    Author: Jamar Nader

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    Views: 6433

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    Author information

    Name: Jamar Nader

    Birthday: 1995-02-28

    Address: Apt. 536 6162 Reichel Greens, Port Zackaryside, CT 22682-9804

    Phone: +9958384818317

    Job: IT Representative

    Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

    Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.