Updated on
31 August
- Simplified Chinese (China)
Quality Point(s): 6
Answer: 12
Like: 3
English (US)
Question about English (US)
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31 August
- English (US)
Quality Point(s): 260
Answer: 38
Like: 29
Using the above words with "true" after I'll try to provide the differences.
Literally true - the statement is without question true.
Obviously true - the statement is true and should be very easy to understand why it is true. We would say this common knowledge is very "obvious"
Absolutely true - the statement is without question true ( very similar to literally). Something that is absolute is "set in stone". ex. 1 + 1 = 2, there is no question the answer is true, it is absolute.
Actually true - the statement true, but you would not expect it. Ex. although Romania is in Eastern Europe, the language is actually closer to Spanish or French than Russian.
Evidently true - the truth has specific evidence or proof to "back it up". ex. As we found your clothes at the scene, it's evidently true you were there.
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31 August
- Simplified Chinese (China)
Quality Point(s): 6
Answer: 12
Like: 3
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